
Lived Experience Member

Russel lives in Victoria and has Co-Morbid Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) (also known as COMISA).

I live in regional Victoria, I am in my early 40s and I have worked in science research, and computer programming. I suffer from Co-morbid Insomnia and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA).

After about 20 years of struggling with insomnia, I was fortunate to meet a GP who was able to suspect and later diagnose OSA based on the symptoms I presented with: high blood pressure and insomnia. I did a take home sleep test for OSA. Besides insomnia and high blood pressure, none of my experience resembled the way that OSA is described online, and I worry that this means many others are missing out on diagnosis.

I joined the Sleep Health Foundation's Lived Experience Advisory Partners as I am pretty keen to raise awareness about OSA as a diagnostic possibility in people who only suspect that they have regular Insomnia.