Research and Clinical PhD Opportunities

Personalised digital interventions for shift work

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October 5, 2023
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Project Description

Non standard work hours lead to a misalignment between the circadian pacemaker and timing of sleep-wake and daily activities. This resulting sleep and circadian disruption puts shift workers at a great risk of impaired alertness and performance and poor health outcomes.

Personalised interventions related to sleep, light and use of other fatigue countermeasures can improve sleep, alertness and performance and improve overall health. Our team has an array of technologies and programs that deliver tailored advice for shift workers for improved health, safety and performance.

We are seeking research / clinical PhD candidates to join the team and work on large funded studies informing further development and implementation of sleep health and fatigue management systems.

The Opportunity

We are a part of the vibrant Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Program at the Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University.

Successful candidates will be supervised by Dr Tracey Sletten, Dr Prerna Varma and work alongside an interdisciplinary team consisting of expertise in sleep and

circadian medicine, photobiology and biomathematical modelling.

These projects are industry-oriented, and will provide excellent opportunities for PhD students to work directly with industry, leading to real-world implementation and benefits.


Applications from domestic and international students welcome. Additional top-up scholarships may be available.

Note: Deadline for domestic scholarships is 31st October.

Expression of Interest

Please send any queries and CV with the subject line: “PhD EOI” to: